I've just finally given myself a break to sit down after working on projects all day today. I am whipped! But, I did get a lot accomplished today on my endless 'to do' list...how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time...and that's how I'm approaching this list.
The hot tub is cleaned and filled and heating up...it had to be first so that when I bust my arse doing projects, I can end the day soaking my sore muscles in the hot tub. The back porch is cleaned and so is the grill. The lights which fell down during the winter are hung back up. The cushions are washed and ready for new covers. The pump is hooked up to the pool and as soon as I get all the debris from the winter cleaned out, it will be ready to fill. The goal is for that to be done and ready to use during this upcoming long weekend.
Next on the list is to replace the piece of dry wall beneath the electrical box and repaint the laundry room. It's a quick job. The contractor should be giving me a date that he can get started on the spare bathroom and once he is finished with hooking up the plumbing and putting the new ceiling and floor in, I'll be ready to paint and decorate in there.
Of course, it's time to get the garden put out. That will be an all day job next weekend. The stupid chickens got in my special compost, so I had to order the stuff to concoct another batch, which I will do tomorrow after work. I need to go grab tomato plants and green bean seeds on my lunch break tomorrow. There just isn't enough hours in the day or enough days in the week!
I went shopping today for some summer clothes to wear when I go to Deadwood. I went looking for a carry-on bag since I need to use most of my big suitcase for books, but I didn't find anything I liked. I have a thing for purple, but the purple bags they had at TJ Maxx were an ugly shade of purple. I'll keep looking. I also need to find a pair of comfortable walking sandals. We are only 3 weeks away!
It wasn't all work this weekend, though. Friday was a birthday party for a lovely special lady and we had food and cake then played Cards Against Humanity. Saturday, I had lunch with an old high school classmate that I hadn't seen since before we graduated. It was nice catching up after all these years.
In the book scope, Samhain has been released and has some really great reviews, Ostara is coming along nicely, and it's about time to get Autumn Drake out and let her have her hand at writing a Lifetime Movie style book. Probably for release sometime in the spring or summer of 2024. Guaranteed to be a hit. She doesn't have a title yet but we are brainstorming that! There's been several suggestions from several people...but nothing set in stone yet.
Well, it's time for me to fix something to eat and work on Ostara for a little bit.
