I have to admit, I blew off writing an entry yesterday because I had a lot going on. I got up bright and early to work on my new flower bed before it got too hot...and when I say early...I was hard at work by 7:30 am...on a Sunday! I had the weather vane already assembled and put up on Saturday night so yesterday I planted the flowers. Have you ever tried to dig in hard ass clay? It was quite a chore. But they were all in the ground by the time it rained in the afternoon and now all I have to do is figure out what kind of edging I want and overall how big I want it to be then put the finishing touches on it. It's a work in progress but I will share what I have so far.
In the afternoon I went to my daughter's to be part of my granddaughter's audience for her college public speaking class. She did her speech on why transgender biological males should not be allowed to compete in women's sports. I have to say, she hit it out of the ball park with a number of reasons why transgender biological males should not compete...all of which were physical reasons...very valid and supported by scientific data. It is inherently unfair - not to mention dangerous - to women athletes competing on a playing field that includes biological men. Perhaps the fairest way to allow transgender athletes to compete would be to form a league of their own and let them compete against each other. All I know is that a male who was 462nd in men's swimming should not be 1st in women's swimming. And with my granddaughter being an athlete herself...I would not have wanted her to have to be the recipient of a softball batted her way by a biological male. Enough said.
I am almost finished with my Hope Harbor anthology story. Here's a preview..."A woman on the run finds a beacon of hope during a snowstorm..." That's all I'm going to say...This will be our third Hope Harbor anthology and the history of it comes from a fictional village created by my dear friend and fellow author Tina Susedik. Tina writes historical romance among other things...not to mention...she's an awesome friend. And we are grateful she allowed us to use her fictional village to create stories centered around Hope Harbor.
All my travel arrangements are complete for Getting Witchy With It in Salem/Peabody, MA. My friend Kristi will be going along for this trip (I'm hoping being around a bunch of authors will give her the push to write her own book some day). We will arrive in Boston on 9/13 and have reserved a condo in Stoneham which is 14 miles from Salem. I have been scoping out the things to do in Salem and cannot wait to go shopping for Christmas gifts for my daughters at one of the shops there. If you live near there or have been there and have any recommendations, please shoot me an email!
My granddaughter and I will be off to New Orleans for her 21st birthday at the end of September into the first week of October. Through one of my friends...who is a wonderful photographer and lives down there...I have discovered it is Cruisin' the Coast week. We will spend two days in New Orleans doing all the French Quarter stuff and then we have a cabin at Bay St. Louis for the other two days. I'm an Airbnb traveler because that way we can at least eat our breakfast at our rental before we start the day. It's called being budget conscious! At least until I hit it big in the book market!
I have entered another contest...this one is called The Gutsy Great Novelist First Page Contest. I'm patiently awaiting for the results on 8/14/23. My entry is the first page of Secrets and Lies. We will see how that one goes over! It had to be entered under my name even though when it releases it will be under my pen name Autumn Drake...maybe...we will see!
Have a great week!!
(Photos Top to Bottom: New flower bed, Genius my new rooster, Baby goats, One of the two baby chicks fathered by the white rooster next door)
