i guess frosty mornings are to be expected when it's only February, right? Yesterday was a sunny day, so after I went for a pedicure, I went shopping for some things to bring the spring mood inside. I bought some potted tulips for the living room, picked up a couple lilac candles, got a spring gnome and bird nest with colored eggs to fill my wicker sled on the dining room table.
I'm on the countdown to Tropicon 24 in St. Augustine. Lodging secured, airfare purchased, vehicle rented, books ordered. Now, to watch the weather for St. Augustine so I know what to pack. Right now, it appears to be about 40 degrees warmer than here. I'll take it!
I hope you all enjoyed my post about Imbolc as much as I enjoyed writing it. If you haven't had a chance to check it out yet, I hope you take the time. It's a little bit of history...mythology...and modern day. I spent Friday night with a group of like-minded people celebrating Imbolc with food, blessings and learning to make a St. Brigid's cross. So, now that I know how, I ordered some reeds and am going to make a few. Some for swag and some for an upcoming pop-up market my daughter and I will be attending. She has some awesome terrariums and I'm not sure what else she is going to put together between now and then, but she makes amazing creations out of things she forages from the woods and such.
I'm getting closer to putting the final touches on Ostara, my second book in the Wheel of the Witch series. I had hoped to have it ready for the upcoming event, but I'm still working out some kinks in the storyline. After Ostara, I'm going to switch off and delve right into Shattered by Lies or maybe start the research on a fifth book for my New Orleans vampire series. I'm not sure yet.
I just finished reading Wild Scottish Rose by Tricia O'Malley and am now working my way through her Isle of Destiny series. I'm on Book 2-Spear Song. If you like romance in the midst of battle with the fae, this series is for you. And one of the things I really love about this one is that she takes you back to Grace's Cove from her Mystic Cove series.
Well, I'm going to jump off here and get busy writing. I hope you all have a wonderful week!