After a busy work week last week and then doing an amazing event in the brisk air yesterday afternoon and evening, it's just a good day to sit back and watch movies and read. Even though it's been mostly sunny today, I don't think it got much over forty degrees with the wind effect. Not a day to work out in the garden or the yard. And we have a freeze wanting tonight.
I'm sort of stuck on my most recent work in process. So, I'm thinking to step away and work on one of my other books. It's just hard to decide which one. Should it be the sweet contemporary romance? Or the edgy paranormal mystery? Or perhaps the Lifetime Movie story? Maybe I should just draw straws.
I'm really looking forward to some of my upcoming trips. Deadwood in June, Galena in September and I'm not completely sure yet but I'm thinking it's time for a return trip to Ireland. I'm thinking sometime in August or maybe waiting until the end of October and spending Samhain at the Puca Festival in the Boyne Valley. I've got to crunch the numbers, but as of right now, it looks like it is a very strong possibility.
I think the dogs are taking a lazy day today too. Oh wait, they treat every day as a lazy day. Right now, they are snoring like a couple lumberjacks. All it would take is for me to get up and walk in the kitchen for a refill and they would be wide awake with the expectation of a treat.
We did pretty good yesterday at the Pink Moon Market. I think my daughter practically sold out of her plants and terrariums and I stayed busy most of the day doing oracle card readings. I'm going to need to figure out which books I'm taking to Deadwood so that I can send them ahead to the hotel. I'm also hoping to get some riding time in which I'm there. It's been a couple years since I've been on the back of a horse. I think the last time was on the beach in Ireland.
Spring here is so volatile. One day we have eighty degrees and muggy followed by storms. Then we have days tike yesterday and today when the wind effect makes it a chilly forty degrees or less. That doesn't bode well for me since I'm itching to get out in the garden. Once I've started, I want to keep going and the time I spent last Sunday planting and mulching flower beds got the bug started.
Well, I'm going to wrap this up and grab some dinner. Then, I'm going to draw straws and decide which book to work on. Hope you all have a wonderful week! Apologies to my stalker that logged on a few minutes ago hoping to nose around on my page. Twice even. Just thought I'd throw you off this week and post a little later than normal. Keep it interesting you know...