Even though I started out my girls; weekend with a bit of an altercation between my car and an uninsured doe, the rest of the weekend went very well. The only damage to the car was a smashed plastic grille which will probably not even cost what my deductible is. I guess I will find out sometime this week. Just need to make an appointment at the body shop.
I managed to make the drive through Chicago without losing my mind...I guess the driving in Boston made Chicago seem like driving through Indianapolis. Piece of cake. At least on the way up...coming back I took a wrong turn and ended up in downtown Chicago. Thank goodness for GPS!
I joined two of my author friends in Door County, Wisconsin for three days of downtime, good food, good company, and some absolutely breathtaking views of Lake Michigan and Green Bay. We walked the windy beaches, checked out a couple lighthouses, climbed up to the overlook in the park and even saw an eagle soaring just above us. We shopped, explored, watched television and talked books and book signings.
Honestly, I needed this time after the way the last six months have gone. Losing Curtis, losing Betty, and losing Oscar all within months of each other was a huge heartbreak. Two people and a dog who have been such a huge part of my life for a great number of years. You just can't replace them.
The drive gave me time to plot out how the rest of my year and upcoming year is going to go as far as writing projects. I'm really ready to wrap up Ostara, turn Shannon into a novella, and get back to work on my masterpiece called Secrets and Lies...I'm thinking about changing the title to Shattered by Lies and was originally going to write it under my pen name but have decided not to. It's a business decision, because I feel like if it goes as big as I think it will, it only makes sense to just write under my real name like I normally do. Besides, my alter ego...Autumn Drake...writes erotica.
After all my traveling the last two months, I am so ready to be at home. There's still quite a lot to do around here before winter sets in and I have about a hundred daffodil and crocus bulbs to plant. I need to get my business plan written for my co-op shop and start looking for a location to lease. The holidays are around the corner, so even though I'm officially out of vacation time from work...I do have a four-day weekend at Thanksgiving and almost two weeks between Christmas and the new year.
The new puppy...Ruby...is a busy little bee and we've discovered she is afraid of her own shadow. Thankfully, her new crate and bed is on the way and hopefully that will help matters a little bit. Poor Kate just can't get any sleep with a puppy barking all night long, so I'm sure she is ready to get back to her beauty sleep without interruption.
While I was on my girls' trip, I started reading Bill O'Reilly's Killing the Witches. It's a slow but interesting read and walks through the history of the New World and how the whole witch frenzy started. And it didn't really start in Salem.
Well, since it was late last night when I got home and I didn't get my post written, I thought I'd take some time this morning. But now it's time to jump in the shower and get ready for work. You know...that thing people do to pay the bills and put food on the table...a necessity unless you're born with a trust fund or manage to get money through shady means. I'm going to sign off, but wanted to let you know to be sure and watch right here on November 1st for an opportunity to get 100 free books! Yep...you read that right...
Have a wonderful day and a wonderful week...