It's not really being lazy as long as you are doing something productive while you are chilling in the recliner in your big fluffy nightgown, right? Well, that's my story and I'm sticking with it. Once I get finished with my weekly blog, I'm going to get back to work on Ostara. Hopefully, I can get the momentum going and get it wrapped up in time for a holiday release. Stay tuned right here for the updates. In the meantime, if you haven't read the first book of the Wheel of the Witch series, Samhain is available on Kindle or paperback...and if you want an autographed copy...I have some in stock for $12 plus shipping. In fact, most of my titles are available along with a few of the anthologies I've contributed to.
We had a couple Thanksgiving here at the homestead early in the day with my daughter, granddaughter and their dad/grandpa. Then we headed over to my oldest daughter's for an afternoon and evening with the family. After filling out bellies and cracking open several bottles of wine, we settled in for a game of Cards Against Humanity.
Friday I worked a little bit on Ostara, read Nora Roberts' latest release, then headed to Hobby Lobby to grab some silks and a Santa for the antique sleigh I picked up at an auction this summer. Found some icicle lights at Big Lots along with some miniature lit Christmas trees to put along the path to the front porch. I really wanted a couple of those fabulous looking lit deer but couldn't find exactly what I wanted. Maybe next year! So, we came back and put up the tree, hung the outside decorations then made popcorn and watched Christmas movies.
Yesterday afternoon, I did oracle card readings at Healing Moon Crystals and Spiritual Wellness in Converse, Indiana. If you haven't been there and you live close to the area, take the time to stop in. They have an amazing collection of crystals, teas, skin care, candles, etc. In fact, I'm enjoying a glass of Pea Flower Butterfly this morning as a change from my usual Earl Grey or Irish Breakfast tea. The tea is a product of Magick By Moonlight. You can find both on Facebook!
Today is a gloomy day and the weather app is saying that we have a 70% chance of a wintery mix. Which means we could get a cold rain, sleet and snow. In other words...sloppy. And a perfect day to just stay inside in my furry nightgown with the Christmas tree lit and candles burning. Maybe even fix a pot of soup since I have a half a loaf of homemade bread left from Thanksgiving.
After a nice four days off, it's back to the day job tomorrow...then just over 3 weeks...I have almost 2 weeks off! To work on books, crafts, food, etc. In my pajamas...
Everyone have a wonderful week!
