I'm getting an early start to my blog post today because I have a full day of baking, crafting and writing ahead of me. Honestly though, I'm going to do it all in my cozy pajamas.
Last night, me and two of my daughters went to Wine and Witchcraft at Healing Moon Crystals and Spiritual Wellness. The event was hosted by the amazing Jana Graham of Magick by Moonlight and if you haven't checked out her shop yet, you definitely should! Of course, in addition to my witch ball, I brought home another one of her herbal blend teas and a candle as well as some special crystals. It truly was an enjoyable evening of women creating magick!
There's gift wrapping to be done and it's the least favorite task of the holidays. Notice...I said task...not fun. But the boxes have been piling up in the office and if I'm to figure out what I still have left to buy in the way of gifts, I',m going to have to start going through things. Get them wrapped and under the tree. And figure out a way to keep Little Miss Ruby out of them. She has a habit of taking things out the dog door and stashing them on the other side of the dog house. She's sneaky for sure.
Today, I'm going to get a head start on baking cookies for the holiday. I do them in batches with my basic cookie dough recipe and add the special goodies to make them individually delicious. I think it will be M&M and chocolate chip walnut this round.
Of course, I really want to get some serious work done on Ostara. My goal is a January 2024 release day and then I'm going to really start hitting it hard on Shattered by Lies. The plan is to release 4 books next year. I'm going to be a little bit more organized in my book business for 2024 and even have a planner to keep things in order.
As far as crafting goes...I"m making some very special memory pillows for some very special girls. I don't want to say too much because they are still in the designing process...but after the holidays, I'll share the finished products on here.
There are a couple upcoming book promotions I'm involved in during the holiday season. If you aren't part of my mailing list, you can subscribe now...or you can hop over to my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/TeresaAKeefer to get in on the promotions. You won't want to miss these!! Fill up that Kindle now! (One of the promotions starts tomorrow!)
I hope each and every one of you have a very wonderful week ahead!
