Our living room was an explosion of storage totes and boxes of Christmas decorations when I got home on Friday. My daughter and granddaughter went and gathered up all the Christmas stuff from the storage unit while I was at work. I'm just waiting for the outside extension cord to arrive from Amazon later today to fix the outside lights and the inside stuff is almost put out except for a few things that I'm not quite sure what to do with.
Outside, it's rainy and gloomy but inside is really looking cheerful with gnomes, Santa Claus's, elves, reindeer and snowmen perched in almost every room. My granddaughter is doing some gift wrapping and when she gets done, I'll put her to work putting the last box of ornaments on the tree.
Because I missed Thanksgiving while I was in Ireland, I'll be making a turkey roast, stuffing, mashed potatoes and corn for dinner tonight. Not sure what I'll whip up for dessert, but I'm thinking a Dutch apple pie is in order. That way I'll have some leftovers to take to work for lunch tomorrow.
Tuesday at the day job will be a blur. We have employee dinners and since it's a three shift operation, I will likely be there from 2am until 9 pm. Which means if I'm going to get any writing done, it needs to happen today. So, that's what I'll be doing. Writing. All day.
I should go to town and pick up my new work boots. Since that would require getting dressed, I think I'll wait until tomorrow to grab them on my lunch break or after work. I also have gifts to pick up at Kohl's. And make a trip to the gun shop for gift certificates for the men in my daughters' lives. Last time I did that, I ended up with a new gun for myself. What can I say...it had my name written all over it. Maybe Santa will bring me a gun cabinet this year to put them all in.
I bought Kate and Ruby matching doggie sweaters and Kate wasn't too keen on wearing hers. It actually freaked her out I think because she hightailed it back to inside doghouse beneath the pantry shelves and wouldn't come out. Even when we knocked on the door. Instead, she sat back in the doghouse and bellowed like only a hound dog can. So, we had to remove the offending garment so she would come out of her hidey hole. Ruby, on the other hand, managed to weasel her way out of her sweater. So much for matching Christmas sweaters for the dogs.
As we near the end of the year, the dirty 5 lette4r word comes to mind. T A X E S. I'm going to start working on gathering everything together while I'm home for the holidays so that I'm not sitting here for an entire weekend in April pulling my hair out and cursing at the laptop as I enter receipts in the spreadsheet. The one I use to calculate my various expenses to enter in the blasted IRS forms.
After the holidays, I need to get working on preparing for the Frosted Flames event in Gatlinburg. I'm debating between driving and flying to Knoxville. I know it makes sense to do the drive, but I'm very concerned about the roads and the weather driving down to Tennessee in January. And I have no wiggle room on coming back because I have a weeklong meeting starting the Monday after the event.
my awesome readers, I need to get busy on doing what I do on the weekend. Write books. Hope you all have a wonderful week!