It dawned on me that it is already Tuesday...and I hadn't written a blog post. So much for staying on a regular schedule. Some things just can't be helped. Priorities. Like getting this garden in when I've only got two days every week to actually work on it. Thus, the does one eat an elephant? One bite at a time. So, I'm going to focus on how many bites I have left. Green beans, beets, cabbage, asparagus, and squash...four more bites and I'll be done with the planting...then it is all about maintaining. everything.
Last weekend, I managed to plant pumpkins and cucumbers while building a new flower bed for my wildflowers. Three trips to Lowe's for mulch and topsoil. Spraying for weeds and ants. Getting the pool treated and in working order. Getting gravel delivered for the driveway. Putting some time in on my latest work in progress. All on top of the regular day to day chores. And I think it's time to do a rain dance or something because I really need rain right now. But Kate the weather dog is in the closet so that must mean we have something coming tonight. I thought for sure we were going to get rain on Sunday night because when I was sitting in the hot tub soaking my aching muscles, she went to the closet and there was lightning in the distance but alas, it passed right by me.
We are two days away from the Flower Full Moon. The name itself puts me in mind of something blossoming. Could be a good time to do some spell work that I'd really like to see blossom. Should it be a karma spell? Or something else? Choices...choices...choices...I'll have to consult some of my reference books tomorrow and decide what to focus my intentions on.
Speaking of full's really obvious that it is getting close because people have lost their flipping minds. One of the drawbacks of being in the human resource field. You would think after 35 years of it, I'd be better prepared for those late night and early morning calls and texts. Nothing like starting your day at 5 am with a forewarning of how your day is going to go. But I survived to talk about it.
I think I'm about ready to set a trap for this damned tom cat that is hanging around. The dogs are barking like crazy, my male cat is growling from under the patio chair. All of which is causing the peacocks next door to scream their fool heads off. He has sprayed my patio doors and crapped in my flower box. Not to mention getting both the female cats knocked up and now we have 10 kittens to find homes for in a couple weeks. Then those hoeing felines are going to the vet to get fixed.
On the topic of screaming peacocks...last week I was getting ready to go to work and heard both my dogs barking, the neighbor's dogs barking, the peacocks screaming and the roosters crowing. I went outside and realized my two dogs had slipped out the patio door when I was checking the hot tub temperature and were chasing a fox around the yard. It sounded like we were in the jungle at 5 am.
Since I had a very early start to my day and a very late end to the workday, I think I'm going to sign off for now. Check back in the future for more tales of insanity at the homestead.