I guess that's what happens when you have an extra day off at the beginning of the week and then take a vacation day on Friday to make a three day weekend. But, I've gotten a lot accomplished so there's that. My contribution for the Galena anthology got wrapped up, I've been working diligently on Ostara. I've spread weed killer in the dog run so I can rake it all out and put some sand down to make for easier cleaning. I've put out a Japanese beetle trap by the grapes to destroy them before they destroy my grape vines this year. The pool has been cleaned and well used. The only thing left to tackle is defrosting the freezer. Which I'm putting off until next weekend now.
Went and saw Sound of Freedom on Monday evening with a friend. Talk about an eye opener for anyone who hasn't been following the issue of child sex trafficking like I have. It's no longer a conspiracy theory folks. It's a real thing. And it took five years for the producers to get through the red tape to release it. The original studio was purchased by Disney who shelved it. But, thankfully, it was finally released and it outsold the new Indiana Jones by several million dollars. So...take that Disney! Since the release of the movie, there have been more and more exposes about child trafficking. For sex. For blood. To make more children to exploit. For organ harvesting. If you haven't yet seen the movie, I highly recommend you do because the more people who are made aware and get angry like I've been for the last five years, the quicker these people will get locked up and children set free. "God's Children Are Not For Sale" is the motto. Do your part. Please.
With that public service announcement out of the way, I hope everyone is having a great summer so far. My favorite season is autumn, but I love something about each and every season. Spring brings fresh and new. Summer brings a good dose of fun in the sun. Autumn brings color and Halloween. Winter gives us time to sit inside and enjoy reading or crafting and watching the winter snow blanket the earth. Living in a place where there are four distinctive seasons is the reason I've stayed in Indiana. When I want a taste or view of something different, there's airplanes that can take me anywhere I want to go.
I'm starting to plan for Getting Witchy With It in Peabody, MA, MA is September. If you follow me here and live in the general area, it's going to be a two day event with around 300 authors writing every genre. I'd love for you to stop by and see me on Saturday, September 16th at the Boston Marriott Peabody. Yes! I write witchy romance and will have my Summers Sisters Series with its prequel Rowena's Song. I will also have Samhain and if my progress continues on Ostara, I'll have it too. If you are a vampire fan, I'll have my entire steamy vampire romance series as well.
Speaking of vampires...I have another book idea to add to my New Orleans vampire series...and if you follow along here...you'll be the first to get updates. In the meantime...Google the casket girls of Ursulines Convent for a hint.
Well...I better get back to the writing while I binge watch S.W.A.T. on Netflix. Have a wonderful week!